Yet Another Computer Vision Index To Datasets (YACVID)

This website provides a list of frequently used computer vision datasets. Wait, there is more!
There is also a description containing common problems, pitfalls and characteristics and now a searchable TAG cloud.
Plus, this is open for crowd editing (if you pass the ultimate turing test)! - Questions? yacvid [at] hayko [dot] at

Content, design and idea © by Hayko Riemenschneider, 2011-2024. Texts and images are subject of copyright by the respective authors.

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-   2d   360   3d   3d-model   4d   8   aachen   abdomen   abrupt   accelerometer   accident   accuracy   action   activity   actor   address   adhead   adjustment   adult   aerial   aesthetics   affordance   age   agriculture   aircraft   airplane   airport   alignment   amazon   ambiguous   analysis   anger   animal   animation   annotation   anomaly   apartment   api   apparel   appearance   applelogo   architecture   articulation   artificial   aspect   asset   association   atmospheric   attention   attribute   attributes   australia   authentication   automatic   automotive   autonomous   avatar   avoid   awb   babyface   background   balance   bark   based   baseline   bbox   bear   behavior   behaviors   belgium   benchmark   ben   berlin   bicycle   bike   bilateral   bim   binary   biology   biometric   biometric/   biometry   blender   blur   boat   body   bone   bottle   bounding   boundingbox   box   brain   brand   bremen   buffy   building   built   bundle   bunny   byu   cad   calibration   california   caltech   camel   camera   canada   caption   capture   car   cardinal   cartoon   categorization   category   cats   cbir   cctv   celebrity   cell   centered   ceramics   chair   challenge   change   cheetah   chemistry   chess   chest   chicaco   chromaticity   circle   city   cityscapes   classification   clinical   cloud   clouds   clustering   clutter   cnn   co-localization   co-saliency   co-segmentation   co-skeletonization   coco   code   codebook   coffee   collaboration   collaborative   color   community   comparison   computer   computer-aided-diagnosis   condition   constancy   context   contour   cooking   copyright   cougar   counting   cover   covid   cow   crepe   crf   crop   cross-domain   cross-view   crowd   ct   cultural   cutting   cv   daily   dam   dance   dark   data   dataset   day   daylight   decomposition   deep   defocus   deformation   denoising   dense   depth   description   descriptor   detail   detection   dichromatic   disease   disgust   disparity   dna   domain   dped   drawing   driving   drone   dublin   dubrovnik   duplicate   dynamic   ear   earth   edge   education   egocentric   elephant   ellipse   emotion   empty   endtoend   enhancement   environment   estate   estimation   europe   evaluation   event   exhibit   expertise   expression   eye   facade   face   facial   fake   fall   family   fashion   fear   feature   female   field   fine-grained   fingerprint   fingertip   first-person   fish   fisheye   fitting   flamingo   flickr   flight   floorplan   flow   fly   flying   fog   food   foot   football   footprint   forecasting   foreground   forensics   fov   frontview   fundus   gait   game   gan   garden   gaze   gender   genetic   genome   geography   geometry   geoscience   geotag   germany   gesture   getry   gif   giraffe   gis   glacier   glassware   global   google   gps   grammar   graphics   grayscale   graz   ground   grounding   groundtruth   group   growth   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season   segmentation   selfdriving   semantic   sense   sensing   sensor   sentence   sequence   sfm   shadow   shape   sheffield   shoe   shots   shutter   sideview   sign   similarity   simulation   simultaneous   single   singleview   size   skeleton   skeletonization   sketch   skin   sky   slam   small   smartphone   soccer   social   software   source   space   spain   spanish   speaker   speech   speed   sphere   sport   stability   stabilization   static   stationary   steganalysis   steganography   stem   stereo   street   structure   structured   study   stuff   style   stylization   subpixel   subtraction   summarization   summary   superpixel   superresolution   supervised   supervisely   supervision   surface   surgery   surprise   surveillance   surveying   swan   switzerland   sydney   symmetry   synchronized   synthetic   table   tampering   target   task   taxonomy   temperature   temporal   test   text   textile   texture   texture-less   textured-model   therapy   thermal   things   tiger   time   time-lapse   tiny   tokyo   tool   topcoder   tracking   tracklet   traffic   trajectory   transfer   translation   transportation   tree   triangulation   trololololo   trunk   truth   tuberculosis   tumor   turbulence   twitter   type   uas   uav   udacity   ultrasound   uncertrainty   understanding   uneven   unmanned   unsupervised   urban   use   user   vanishing   variation   vegetation   vehicle   velodyne   vessel   video   view   viewpoint   village   vio   virtual   virus   visible   vision   visual   voc   volleyball   vqa   vt   water   wavelength   weakly   wear   wearable   wearing   weather   webcam   weed   white   wide   wiki   wikipedia   wild   woman   workflow   world   worldwide   xray   year   youtube   zoom   zurich  
«showing 763 tags of 763 total tags for 534 datasets (1.43) »

DID Name Description Tags URL Date Views
519 SMALR Animals are widespread in nature and the analysis of their shape and motion is important in many fields and industries. Modeling 3D animal shape, however, is di... shape 3d mesh model quadruped animal pose bear lion cheetah cougar horse pig rhino tiger texture link 2020-09-21 1196
518 CSAIL Shape Deformation Animals The dataset about Shape Deformation of Animals consists of deformed meshes for horse, camel, lion,elephant, flamingo, face models. Every mesh is triangulated... shape 3d mesh model quadruped animal deformation transfer horse camel lion elephant flamingo face link 2020-09-21 1084
350 The 2D Shape Structure Dataset The 2D Shape Structure database is a public, user-generated dataset of 2D shape decompositions into a hierarchy of shape parts with geometric relationships reta... 2d shape decomposition, 2d shape hierarchy, 2d shape structure, Medial axis link 2024-08-13 2982
342 ICS-FORTH + Modelling of 2D Shapes with Ellipses The dataset contains more than 4,536 2D shapes included in standard as well as in home-build datasets. Our goal is to represent a given 2D shape with an au... shape ellipse fitting modeling 2d object classification link 2018-03-22 2208
292 Mobile Phone and Webcam Hand Images for Personal Authentication and Identification This work attempts to provide two Hand Images Databases for hand biometrics: one is created using a mobile phone camera of modest quality, which we called mob... mobile webcam hand authentication Identification person biometric shape segmentation link 2015-11-09 2882
277 Detail 2D Projection DataSet Detail 2D Projection DataSet is a database of 2d projections of mechanical details with holes. The dataset consists of 13 shape categories where each category i... shape, holes, detail, binary, matching, retrieval link 2015-05-10 2185
267 3DVis The 3DVis dataset includes a set of 12 heterogeneous scenes for testing 3D scene registration and analysis methods. Models include homogeneous shapes, repetitiv... 3d reconstruction matching registration shape symmetry link 2015-01-26 2290
233 PASCAL Context We would like to announce the release of PASCAL-Context dataset. We augmented PASCAL VOC 2010 dataset with annotations for 400+ additional categories. In the cu... semantic segmentation pascal benchmark category recognition dense shape link 2014-07-17 3012
223 SHOT 3D shape description The 3D shape description dataset consists of multiple sub-datasets Descriptor Matching - Dataset 1 & 2 (Stanford) These datasets, created from some of the m... 3d shape description benchmark reconstruction registration matching link 2015-06-21 2550
199 THUR15000 We introduce a labeled dataset of categorized images for evaluating sketch based image retrieval. Using Flickr, we downloaded about 3000 images for each of the ... group saliency object detection visual attention sketch shape retrieval internet link 2020-06-06 2675
140 RGB-D Person Re-identification The RGB-D Person Re-identification dataset is for person re-identification using depth information. The main motivation is that the standard techniques (such as... identification, classification, shape, depth, pedestrian, 3d link 2014-10-08 2667
114 TUD Shapes 1+2 This material is supplementary to Michael Stark, Bernt Schiele. How Good are Local Features for Classes of Geometric Objects. Eleventh IEEE International C... shape object classification tool binary link 2013-08-08 2564
110 EITZ Sketch Quality Humans have used sketching to depict our visual world since prehistoric times. Even today, sketching is possibly the only rendering technique readily available ... shape, matching, retrieval, partial, sketch link 2022-01-05 1946
109 EITZ Sketch-Based Image Retrieval We introduce a benchmark for evaluating the performance of large scale sketch-based image retrieval systems. The necessary data is acquired in a controlled user... shape, matching, retrieval, partial, sketch link 2014-02-11 2217
108 ICG Sketch Retrieval The ICG Sketch Retrieval dataset consists of XXX hand-drawn sketches for five categories. It is used for content-based image retrieval using shape features for ... shape, matching, retrieval, partial, sketch n/a 2014-02-11 2345
87 Simpsons 40 years Simpsons Homer 40 years is a dataset showing Homer Simpson over the course of 40 years. It is used for video segmentation and shape matching between frames.... video, segmentation, shape, matching n/a 2023-04-28 2301
85 Leaves The Leaves dataset from X contains X images of leaves. Leaves dataset taken by Markus Weber. California Institute of Technology PhD student under Pietro Per... shape, binary, matching, retrieval, partial n/a 2023-10-22 3177
75 ETHZ Shape The ETHZ Shape classes dataset from Vittorio Ferrari [?] consists of five object classes and a total of 255 images. All classes contain significant intra-class ... shape, detection, matching, segmentation, clutter, applelogo, bottle, giraffe, nature, swan, mug link 2014-02-11 2928
58 INRIA Horses The INRIA Horses dataset from Frederic Jurie and Vittorio Ferrari consists of 170 images with one or more horses in side-view at several scales and cluttered ba... detection, shape, segmentation, clutter, nature, horse link 2013-03-11 2816
57 Weizmann Horses The multi-scale Weizmann horses (originally from Eran Borenstein, adapted by Jamie Shotton) consists of 656 images which is split into 50+50training, 50+50 vali... detection, shape, segmentation, clutter, nature, horse link 2013-03-11 3281
56 ETHZ Extended Shape The ETHZ Extended Shape classes dataset from Konrad Schindler is larger dataset of shape categories, created by merging ETHZ shape classes with Konrad Schindler... detection, shape, segmentation, clutter link 2013-03-11 2211
8 Tools2D The Tools 2D dataset from Bronstein, Bronstein, Bruckstein, and Kimmel [?] for partial similarity experiments and consists of 15 shapes: 5 humans, 5 horses and ... shape, binary, matching, retrieval, partial link 2014-02-11 3200
7 Mythological Creatures The Mythological Creatures consists of articulated shapes (silhouettes) for partial similarity experiments and contains 15 shapes: 5 humans, 5 horses and 5 cent... shape, binary, matching, retrieval, partial, animal link 2015-06-23 3293
6 SIID The SIID silhouette dataset contains... and is from the Shape Indexing of Image Database (SIID). Download SIID silhouette dataset shape, binary, matching, retrieval link 2019-08-26 3666
5 KIMA216 The Kimia 216 has 18 classes each consisting of 12 images. It contains shapes silhouettes for birds, bones, brick, camels, car, children, classic cards, elephan... shape, binary, matching, retrieval, kimia, animal link 2019-08-03 4016
4 KIMA99 The Kimia 99 has 9 classes each consisting of each 11 images. They are part of the Shape Indexing of Image Database (SIID) project, which also contains the SIID... shape, binary, matching, retrieval, kimia link 2015-07-29 3322
3 KIMIA25 The Kimia 25 consists of 6 classes and 25 images. They are part of the Shape Indexing of Image Database (SIID) project, which also contains the SIID silhouette ... shape binary matching retrieval kimia link 2015-08-26 3602
2 MPEG-7 Core Experiment CE-Shape-1 MPEG-7 Core Experiment CE-Shape-1 [?] is a popular database for shape matching evaluation consisting of 70 shape categories, where each category is represented ... shape, binary, matching, retrieval, bullseye link 2017-03-02 5050

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