did=140 task=did=140 YACVID - RGB-D Person Re-identification - Details

Yet Another Computer Vision Index To Datasets (YACVID) - Details

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Name (Institute + Shorttitle)RGB-D Person Re-identification 
Description (include details on usage, files and paper references)The RGB-D Person Re-identification dataset is for person re-identification using depth information. The main motivation is that the standard techniques (such as SDALF) fail when the individuals change their clothing, therefore they cannot be used for long-term video surveillance. Depth information is the solution to deal with this problem because it stays constant for a longer period of time.

Person Re-Identification by Symmetry-Driven Accumulation of Local Features, CVPR 2010

Re-identification with RGB-D sensors
Barbosa, B. I. and Cristani, M. and Del Bue, A. and Bazzani, L. and Murino, V. First International Workshop on Re-Identification, 2012 
URL Linkhttp://www.iit.it/en/datasets/rgbdid.html 
Files (#)79 
References (SKIPPED)
Category (SKIPPED)Identification, Classification 
Tags (single words, spaced)identification, classification, shape, depth, pedestrian, 3d 
Last Changed2024-05-12 
Turing (2.12+3.25=?) :-)