did=453 task=did=453 YACVID - San Diego State University - Open Turbulent Image Set (OTIS) - Details

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Name (Institute + Shorttitle)San Diego State University - Open Turbulent Image Set (OTIS) 
Description (include details on usage, files and paper references)Despite the existence of several turbulence mitigation algorithms in the literature, no common dataset exists to objectively evaluate their efficiency. This dataset called OTIS (Open Turbulent Images Set) contains several sequences (either static or dynamic) acquired through the turbulent atmosphere. For almost all sequences, we provide the corresponding groundtruth in order to make the comparison between algorithms easier.

The reference paper is: J.Gilles, N.B.Ferrante, "Open Turbulent Image Set (OTIS)", Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.86, 38--41, 2017 
URL Linkhttps://zenodo.org/communities/otis/ 
Files (#)17 
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Tags (single words, spaced)Image Sequence Atmospheric Turbulence Restoration Evaluation 
Last Changed2024-05-29 
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